My Educational Technology Experiences

Welcome to my first education technology online journey! I would first like to start by introducing myself. I am a fourth year education student, two classes away from my degree. As I am wrapping up my degree in education, I believe there is still so much to learn. I am extremely excited to see where this course takes me with my skills in technology. As of today, I am someone who is on technology at all times. Whether I am checking my twitter account or my facebook account. I like to follow along on my twitter to see what is happening in the education world. With twitter I am able to follow the schools I have been at and watch the students that I have taught continue to grow. On my twitter I also enjoy posting things that I taught during my pre-internship and my internship. If you would like to learn more about my twitter you can follow me @Brooklyn.Mantai. 

As you can see on my wordpress, I have blogged quite a bit during my education. I have been trying to blog about things that I have been doing in schools and about who I am. I believe that I still have lots to learn about blogging and posting things on social media. I am hoping this class will help me keep up with my online education portfolio.

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